Tips for a Pet-friendly Road Trip
Planning a trip entails effort, but planning a road trip requires twice the amount of meticulous preparation. And planning a road trip with your pet, that is an entirely different ball game altogether. It requires careful groundwork, organization, and forethought, but twice as much fun too with your furry friends in tow. Here are six practical tips for a pet-friendly road trip.
Hunt for pet-friendly destinations and accommodations, and activities for both you and your pet to enjoy. Find out how many pets are allowed to stay in the room with you, and whether there are any additional charges for them. The following questions must be answered:
- Are there any species, breed, or weight restrictions for pets?
- Can pets be left in the room unattended while you use the swimming pool or fitness center?
- Are there parks or playgrounds where you can take your pet for a stroll, for a game of ball or meet other animals in your destination, or en route?
Get the Car Ready
Decide on the car you are planning to use for the road trip. You must make sure that the following requirements are met:
- Will the car accommodate all the passengers, the luggage, and your pets comfortably without any of you jostling for space?
- Does your vehicle have enough space to fit crates and pet enclosures?
- Inspect its bearings and make sure it is fit and toned up for the journey.
Get Your Pet Ready
Whether you have a cat or a dog, their comfort matters the most. And here are some questions to ask yourself to know if your pet is ready.
- Is your pet in good health for the trip?
- Will he/she be able to travel in a car till the destination and back?
- Will your dog be bored, tired, restless, or get worked up during the ride? Or, will he/she enjoy it?
- Are the vaccinations up to date?
- Would he/she require medications for car-sickness or any other medical emergencies that might arise during the trip?
- Have you fixed a micro-chip to keep him/her safe during the vacation?
Pack Well
Without a doubt, depending on what your destination is, you will pack clothes, cosmetics, and other accessories for you and all the other people traveling with you on the road trip.
Remember to pack all the stuff needed for your pet too, and some of them in multiples. Food, treats, bedding, medications, supplements, first-aid, toys, harness, waste paper bags, paper napkins, old towels, food and water bowls, medical records, photos of your pet, and extra collar tags.
Be Responsible
Make sure your pet is well-fed, exercised often, has enough loo breaks, and is sufficiently rested during the entire duration of the ride. Take a little extra care about your pet since you are taking him/her away from well-known territory. Keep in mind that although your pet might love car trips, they might become tired or pant for familiar environments and routines he’s used to every day.
Ensure that your pet is under your control and care, and both of you behave sensibly and responsibly at all times. Clean up their mess promptly, and be respectful of the rules and regulations of all the places you visit along with your pet during the journey.
Have Contingency Plans
Unexpected incidents are bound to happen. An alert but a relaxed frame of mind will help deal with all kinds of situations that could arise. As much as you might be looking forward to having fun at your destination, enjoy the actual road trip with your pet.