Useful Dietary Tips for Arthritis
Arthritis affects more than 50 million citizens. To help you manage the arthritis symptoms, here are some dietary tips for you to follow.
Diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are required to help strengthen your immune system and to help keep arthritis symptoms from getting worse. Fiber-rich foods and vegetables are great for your overall health. Fruits and vegetables reduce your calorie consumption and have antioxidants that can help protect your joints.
Consume olive oil
Olive oil is excellent when you have arthritis because it contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help you feel better. Studies show that olive oil can help people with arthritis in various ways. Olive oil can reduce inflammation and slow down the progression of arthritis because it delays cartilage damage.
Include omega-3 fatty acid foods
One of the important dietary tips for arthritis is to consume foods that have omega-3 fatty acids. Studies show that consuming these foods can give relief from arthritis symptoms. Some fishes rich in omega-3 fatty acids are tuna, sardines, anchovies, trout, herring, and eel. You should eat these oily fish two to three times a week.
Add garlic and ginger to foods
Garlic and ginger are fantastic foods to consume when you have arthritis. Garlic has various properties that can help strengthen your immune system and reduce inflammation related to arthritis. Studies show that ginger can help reduce swelling and can reduce symptoms associated with arthritis.
Consume iron-rich food
It would be best if you started eating iron-rich foods, as these can help in arthritis. You can consume lean red meat. You can consume foods such as haricot beans and lentils. Oily fish such as salmon and mackerel are rich in iron. Dark green vegetables such as spinach can help arthritis symptoms. Iron is better absorbed by your body when you have vitamin C with it.
Avoid arthritis-trigger foods
One of the dietary tips for arthritis is to avoid foods that can trigger arthritis symptoms. You should avoid processed foods and fried foods as much as possible. Refined carbs, alcohol, tobacco, and corn oil should be avoided. Avoid eating prepared meals because they have high sodium content, which can trigger arthritis symptoms.
Don’t overeat
Your body will tell you when you are overeating. You should avoid overeating because it can lead to obesity, which makes arthritis worse. When you feel like you are almost full, then you should stop eating. You can record what you eat every day, as that can help you understand what you eat in a day. Studies show that recording what you eat helps lose weight and stay fit.
Control the urge to binge-eat
It is tempting to binge-eat foods that are not good for your health especially when you are going through various emotions. In any case, you should not binge-eat because it can make your symptoms worse and will make you feel worse. If you feel low, then opt for eating something nutritious, meditating, or exercising.
Consume calcium-rich foods
One of the dietary tips for arthritis is consuming foods rich in calcium. It helps lower the risk of other diseases. You can consume foods that are rich in calcium. These foods include sardines, low-fat milk, cheese, canned salmon, yogurt, and green leafy vegetables. You can opt for calcium-rich milk products such as those made from oats or soya.
Check what you drink
You might not be counting the calories that your drink, which can be contributing to arthritis symptoms. Avoid drinks that have calories and have any sugar in them as these will worsen the arthritis symptoms. Instead, you should opt for natural substitutes such as water and coconut water that can help.