Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
Apart from skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer that occurs in men. Statistics report that prostate cancer will be diagnosed in more than 190,000 men in 2020.
Most cases (around 65%) occur in men above age 65 and are usually detected in the local/regional stage, offering a good chance for treatment and recovery.
Advanced screening and treatment techniques have reduced the number of prostate cancer deaths by half in the last decade.
Early detection, recognizing the signs and symptoms of prostate cancer, and accurate diagnosis and intervention can save many lives and increase the chances of recovery and longevity.
Warning signs and symptoms
Severe, acute pain during urination and/or ejaculation must be immediately investigated. This is not a very common sign, and the pain may sometimes be felt as a burning sensation. What makes this symptom important is that it may be mistaken for urinary tract infection in the early stages, and both patient and physician may omit routine screening for prostate cancer. High-risk patients with a family history of prostate cancer cannot afford to ignore this symptom.
Urinary disturbances
Watch out for the frequent urge to urinate, especially when it interrupts your sleep at night. A weak bladder and the need to strain while urinating are other signs and symptoms of prostate cancer. Weak and interrupted flow and the feeling that the bladder has not been completely emptied can cause discomfort and anxiety. Dribbling after urinating signals weakened control due to the presence of tumors or cancer.
Discomfort while moving
If you feel pressure and discomfort while sitting or pain while standing up from a seated position, it’s important to share these symptoms with your doctor. In advanced stages, patients could experience pain in the thighs, back, hips, shoulders, etc. Fluid build-up in the feet is also common and causes swelling in the legs. Stiffness in the rectal and pelvic areas and upper part of the legs should be investigated.
Bodily changes
Unexplained weight loss without actively trying to lose weight is a common symptom in many forms of cancer. It’s also important to note signs of fatigue and exhaustion, feeling tired after sleep, sudden erectile dysfunction, changes in bowel habits or loss of bowel/bladder control are other vital signs that should not be taken lightly.
Traces of blood
Prostate cancer symptoms could include the presence of small amounts of blood in the urine and semen. Blood in the urine is known as hematuria, and this is a symptom that is generally observed in the more advanced stages of prostate cancer. Patients may notice that their normally pale-yellow urine is either pinkish, red, or brownish-red. In some cases, the color difference may not be immediately visible, but testing can reveal the presence of blood cells in the urine. This is caused when the tumor is pressed against the urinary tract and organs.