Foods to Eat and Avoid for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Foods to Eat and Avoid for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an immune disorder where the immune system attacks the nervous system, causing neurological symptoms. A person’s diet plays an important role in the management of the symptoms of MS. The article outlines dietary tips for multiple sclerosis patients.

High-Fiber and Low Fat
One of the dietary tips for multiple sclerosis is to consume food that has high fiber content and is low in fat. Fiber helps in improved digestion and can manage problems like high blood pressure and can aid in the process of weight loss.

Nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, brown rice, and beans are some of the food rich in fiber and low in fat content. More of this food must be included in the diet to improve the health of the person suffering from MS.

Omega-3 fatty acids are good for everyone. Apart from improving heart health, Omega-3 can be helpful in managing some of the symptoms of MS. Fatty fish like salmon, herring, tuna and nuts like almond, cashew, and walnuts have Omega-3 fatty acids. These foods must be a part of the diet for those having MS.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D has been shown to be helpful in reducing symptoms of MS. It also helps in improving bone health. Vitamin D can be found in milk and milk products, fortified cereals, orange juice, egg yolks, and beef liver. Including these foods in the diet is recommended.

Probiotics are foods containing good bacteria that aid in digestion. Improved gut health can strengthen immunity and prevent symptoms of MS from worsening. Probiotic foods that MS patients should consume include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and fermented tea.

Apart from probiotics, one can also consume prebiotics, which are foods that nourish good bacteria. These foods include onions, garlic, artichokes, leeks, and asparagus.

Biotin is a type of Vitamin B and there are studies that suggest that it can help people who have MS. Consuming 100 to 600 mg of biotin is recommended. It can be taken in the form of supplements or by including foods like eggs, spinach, broccoli, whole wheat bread, almonds, sunflower seeds, and beef liver in the diet.

Foods to Avoid
The foods listed below can worsen the symptoms of MS. These should be avoided at all costs:

  • Added salt to food or processed foods containing a high amount of salt
  • Added sugar or beverages that contain sugar
  • Fried foods should be avoided
  • Food that has a high content of saturated fat like red meat, cheese, and butter should be avoided
  • Foods low in fiber
  • Alcohol consumption must be avoided
  • Consumption of caffeine must be avoided or reduced
  • Some people are intolerant to gluten, found in wheat and baked goods.

The dietary tips for multiple sclerosis presented in this article can be helpful in managing the symptoms of MS. The diet suggested in this article can be followed to improve the quality of life for MS patients.