Causes and Symptoms Of Colon Cancer

Causes and Symptoms Of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is a condition that affects the large intestine. It usually starts as polyps and if detected early can be treated easily. This article presents information on the causes and symptoms of colon cancer.

Before understanding the causes and symptoms of colon cancer it is important to know that one might experience no symptoms in the early stages. The symptoms are such that they may appear related to some other problem, including digestive problems.

It is important to immediately see a doctor if these symptoms are observed. Periodic screenings can be useful to detect this form of cancer early.

Symptoms of colon cancer
Some of the symptoms that a person having colon cancer would experience include:

  • A sudden change in bowel movements like onset of constipation or diarrhea, which remains for a long time
  • Feeling of cramps in the colorectal area
  • Tenesmus, where there is a feeling that the bowel is not emptied resulting in having to go again to pass stools
  • Bleeding from the anus
  • Blood in the stool
  • Change in the nature of stools (eg: stringy stools)
  • Bloating in the abdomen with or without pain
  • Abdominal discomfort like gas
  • Tiredness and loss of appetite
  • Weight loss that has no specific reason
  • Pain in the pelvic region
  • Anemia due to blood loss

In case any of these symptoms are observed, most people would associate them with digestive problems. Ignoring the symptoms may cause severe complications. A visit to a doctor is a must.

Causes of colon cancer
It is difficult to know the real cause of colon cancer. Like many other forms of cancer, it happens due to mutation in the genes. These gene mutations cause tumors or precancerous growths known as polyps. These polyps are found in the lining of the colon and are usually benign. These may become cancerous and hence must be removed surgically.

Certain risk factors can increase the chances of a person developing colon cancer. These risk factors include:

  • A family history of cancer, including colon cancer
  • Polyps in the colon 
  • Those older than 50 years are more at risk
  • Those who have conditions of the colon like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis 
  • An indvidual consuming a diet low in fiber and high in fat 
  • Those who are overweight and obese 
  • Those leading a sedentary lifestyle
  • Those who smoke or consume alcohol
  • Those who have diabetes 

The article on the causes and symptoms of colon cancer would have helped you understand more about this form of cancer. Being able to identify symptoms early is a good way of ensuring timely treatment.