8 Dietary Tips for Diabetics

8 Dietary Tips for Diabetics

Diabetics need to be extremely picky about what they eat. Their sugar levels can spike as a result of anything unhealthy they eat, so following a healthy and balanced diet is essential. The following dietary tips for diabetes patients can help one manage the condition better:

  • Cook at home
    The first and most important dietary tip for diabetes patients is to cook at home. This doesn’t mean diabetics can’t dine out at all. There can always be days where one orders food from their favorite restaurant or dines outside, but the frequency must be minimal. It is easy to keep track of ingredients when one cooks at home, and any trigger foods that might increase the sugar levels can be avoided.
  • Think whole
    Forget anything white, and this includes white sugar, white flour, white rice, white bread, and so on. Stick to 100% whole-wheat flour and bread, and use brown rice, as it is low on the glycemic index.
  • Fiber up
    If one is used to consuming carbohydrate-rich food, one should aim to include a minimum of 10 grams of fiber per meal. This will help manage blood glucose levels and also keep one feeling full. Diabetics are susceptible to heart disease, and the more their fiber intake, the less is the damage to the heart. Nutritionists recommend a rainbow-colored food scheme at least one meal a day or spread across meals to manage this condition effectively.
  • Get those healthy fats
    Monosaturated fats are helpful for lowering blood sugar levels, so olive oil, nuts, and avocadoes should be included in diabetics’ meal plans. However, they should be consumed in moderation, as they are high in calories.
  • Go lean
    It’s best to opt for recipes that have less saturated fat. One should always skip the cream and fatty cuts of meat. Instead, a dietary tip for diabetes patients is to opt for low-fat dairy, lean meat, and plant-based protein sources like lentils, nuts, or beans.
  • Say no to oily food
    French fries, fish and chips, or any other oily food could be enticing, and one might want to indulge. But cravings for fried foods would increase the cholesterol levels in the body and increase the fat percentage in the blood vessels, and this is not good news for diabetics.
  • Moderation as mantra
    The idea way to maintain healthy blood sugar levels is to cut down on the portion sizes. Instead of three meals a day, diabetics can opt for six small meals a day. This way, their body will have additional time to process and digest the food. Another dietary tip for diabetes patients is to reduce the portion of desserts by half, even on a cheat day.
  • Watch the drinks
    Store-bought juices are loaded with sugar. Alcohol, soda, and flavored drinks should be entirely avoided to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Instead, one should stick to plain water, or diabetics can opt for cucumber water, green tea, or tulsi tea.