7 High Cholesterol Foods to Avoid

7 High Cholesterol Foods to Avoid

Cholesterol in moderation is good for the body. It helps develop healthy cells and can provide unique health benefits to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If cholesterol levels begin to peak, however, many harmful side effects arise. High levels of cholesterol will lead to the development of fatty deposits within blood vessels. This can restrict blood flow and lead to many heart issues. Diet is a major contributor to cholesterol development and avoiding high cholesterol foods can lead to a healthy heart:

1. Liver
Liver is an iron rich meat that can be a healthy option for many individuals. Liver can also be a dangerous option for those with high cholesterol. The liver is the organ in the body tasked with the production of cholesterol, making its cholesterol content very high. The waxy substance is made and stored inside the liver, so consuming this product can lead to increased cholesterol levels.

2. Margarine
After its initial creation, margarine was believed to be a healthier long term substitute for butter. After studying the makeup of this product, scientists discovered that margarine is one of the most dangerous foods for patients with high cholesterol. Margarine is a highly processed product containing large amounts of trans fats from partially hydrogenated oils. These fats and oils contribute to high cholesterol and can be harmful for patients as they lead to buildup in veins and arteries.

3. French fries
Much like with margarine, french fries are a high-cholesterol inducing food. The frying process adds a layer of hydrogenated oils which are one of the leading contributors to high cholesterol. These oils possess a high content of trans fats which are extremely dangerous to one’s health and heart.

4. Egg yolks
Chicken eggs have high cholesterol content. The main source of this comes from the egg yolk. Eggs are still a safe option for patients with high cholesterol as long as they are enjoyed in moderation. Scientists have determined that consuming four or less egg yolks a week will not contribute to heart disease, making eggs a safe option when the consumption is controlled.

5. Ice cream
One of the nation’s favorite treats is a dangerous food for patients with high cholesterol. One scoop of ice cream is said to have as much fat as a singular hamburger and more fat than ten glazed donuts. Avoiding ice cream can lead to a lower intake of fat into the body and lower the risk of high cholesterol related disease.

6. Hamburgers
These tasty items are one of the most versatile foods in the world. A classic dinner time option, hamburgers are often the favorite choice of fast food consumers around the world. These fast food burgers, however, are extremely processed and contain high amounts of cholesterol. Avoiding these foods and replacing them with healthier, less processed options will lead to long term heart health.

7. Fried chicken
This summer time staple is often considered to be a healthier protein option. Red meats are notoriously known to have high cholesterol content, as they are laced with cholesterol and saturated fats. Chicken and other white meats are common alternatives as they are believed to be much healthier. Fried chicken does not stand up to this belief. A serving of fried chicken has an abundance of trans fats that contribute to heart disease. One serving of fried chicken has more cholesterol than a singular hamburger.