7 Foods That Increase the Risk of Cancer

7 Foods That Increase the Risk of Cancer

Cancer is a leading cause of global deaths. Research has shown that lifestyle changes like changing dietary habits can help prevent many types of cancers by up to 50%. Although food cannot directly cause cancer, it can increase the risk of cancer manifold. Here are a few cancer-causing foods to avoid:

  • Processed meat
    Processed meat is a carcinogen, which means it increases the risk of cancer. Processed meats include chorizo, hot dogs, salami, deli meats, and bacon. Research says that people who consume processed meat regularly are at a higher risk of cancer, especially colorectal cancer. There is a 50% higher risk if one consumes processed meat as compared to someone who avoids processed meat or consumes it in moderation.
  • Sugar
    Sugar is another cancer-causing food to avoid for improved health. Research has established a link between cancer and a diet high in sugar, as such a diet can increase the risk of colorectal, breast, and stomach cancers, among other types of cancer. Refined sugar should be taken in moderation also because it can increase insulin levels, contributing to the growth of cancer cells. Although it is safe to consume sugar, moderation is the key to avoid increasing the risk of developing cancer.
  • Dairy
    Consuming a lot of dairy regularly adds to the risk of developing prostate cancer. This may be because dairy products like cow’s milk can lead to excess calcium in the body. It may also be due to the estrogen hormones of pregnant cows and IGF-1. These three factors have long been linked to increasing the risk of prostate cancer.
  • Hydrogenated oils
    Hydrogenated oils are extracted through a chemical process and are one of the cancer-causing foods to avoid. Hydrogenated oils are found in a variety of foods because they can help increase shelf life. Research has found that hydrogenated oils can lead to various types of cancers, heart conditions, and birth defects.
  • Canned foods
    As convenient as canned foods are, they increase the risk of cancer, as cans are lined with BPA or bisphenol-A. This substance can increase the risk of various diseases, including cancer. Research has proven that canned foods can increase the risk of prostate and breast cancer, among others, so it is better to avoid staples like canned tomatoes and use fresh options instead.
  • Overcooked food
    Overcooked food, like red meat, are among the most common cancer-causing foods to avoid for better overall health. Cooking foods at high temperatures, like barbequing, frying, broiling, grilling, and sautéing, produces AGEs and HA compounds. These are harmful to health, and their buildup can cause inflammation, leading to the development of cancer and other health conditions.
  • Alcohol
    Alcohol is categorized as a type of sugar and can increase the risk of various types of cancer, including breast cancer, liver cancer, pharynx cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, and mouth cancer. Although studies haven’t been able to determine exactly how alcohol contributes to an increased risk of cancer, experts say that it might be because alcohol causes DNA damage.