6 Deterrents for Fleas and Ticks on Dogs

6 Deterrents for Fleas and Ticks on Dogs

Fleas and ticks in your pets should not be ignored. Small in size but capable of causing extensive damage to health, fleas and ticks must be eliminated from both your pet’s body and from your home. Veterinary services can help, but this can get expensive very quickly, which is why many pet owners choose to purchase pet insurance or dog insurance online. Whether your pooch is a family pet or for animal support, like a registered service dog or an emotional support animal with an ESA certification online, you care greatly for them and want to take care of them. Presented here are six deterrents for fleas and ticks for you to try.

A pet bathed regularly in neem or rosemary flavored shampoo is bound to remain free from fleas and ticks. Alternately, you could include a tiny drop of these essential oils in your pet’s regular soap. While simply scrubbing your dog with warm water will keep him/her clean using either of the essential oils along with the soap is an added benefit. They are efficient in keeping parasites away from your pet’s fur and skin.

Use some diatomaceous earth and a comb appropriately suited to rake through your pet’s fur to brush him every day. Do this outside your house, preferably before you hit the trails for a walk. Apart from keeping his coat shiny and acting as a natural deodorizer, brushing thoroughly with diatomaceous earth will ensure fleas and ticks fall off your pet’s body. Remember to clean the brush every day with soapy water to keep it clean.

Fill a clean spray bottle with any of the following solutions, spritz your dog’s fur with it and let him/her air dry. Ideally, this must be done outside your home before your dog plays in the yard or goes out with you. Be careful while spraying, and avoid his eyes, nose, ears, and any open wound, if any. A solution of rock salt, lemon juice and water, white or apple cider vinegar and water, peppermint essential oil and water, all work as a flea and tick deterrent. However, it is important that you use these solutions only in extremely diluted formulas, and never in the concentrated proportions.

Take a little coconut oil between your palms and gently massage it into your dog’s fur. When you take the time to spend time with your pet every day, you can do this coconut oil massage as a deterrent for fleas and ticks. The active ingredient, lauric acid in coconut oil not only repels bugs but also keeps your pooch’s coat glossy and healthy.

Vacuum your home often if you have pets. This will keep pet hair, dander, and fleas and ticks away, and ensure you and your pet live in a healthy environment. Vacuum not just the floors but also the carpets, mats, and rugs all over your house, and your pet’s bedding and toys too. Fleas and ticks tend to hide in a lot of places, so vacuuming meticulously is crucial. Also, dispose of the dirt collected in the vacuum bag after every cleanup.

While taking your dog out into the woods or trails, you can swathe him/her up in dog clothes or add socks to his feet. Even a simple bandana around his neck would do. Over the piece of clothing, lightly spray a diluted portion of essential oil of rose geranium, lemongrass, lavender, peppermint, or cedar. These repel fleas and ticks but sometimes might also irritate the olfactory senses of your pet. So make sure your pet wears these only for a limited duration of time every day.