5 Foods That Help Treat Ulcerative Colitis

5 Foods That Help Treat Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis can be difficult to handle. Individuals with the condition usually have an understanding of the kind of foods they should avoid as they can trigger the symptoms and cause flare-ups. However, knowing which food to eat to soothe the symptoms of ulcerative colitis is equally important. Particularly during flare-ups, avoiding food altogether can’t be the solution. While the general tip would be to avoid high-fiber foods, opting for foods that can soothe the symptoms can prove helpful. Some of these foods are as follows:

  • Canned fruits and ripe bananas : While patients are advised to avoid consuming raw fruits during flare-ups, ripe and soft bananas can be tolerated. As bananas are a good source of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, they can provide the patients with the required energy. In terms of canned fruits, soft fruits like peached and pears can be chosen as they do not irritate the digestive tract.
  • Yogurt : This can be a good option if one is not intolerant to lactose. Yogurt can be a good source of not only proteins but also probiotics, which are live bacteria that boost digestive health. While getting yogurt, it’s advisable to choose the kind with live and active cultures in it. On the other hand, yogurt with large chunks of fruits should be avoided as they would be difficult to digest.
  • Salmon : Salmon is another great food to soothe the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. This fatty fish is an excellent source of protein and can be consumed even during a flare-up. In addition to protein, salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are key to reducing inflammation and relieving the symptoms. Salmon can be consumed after broiling, baking, or sauteing, but one should avoid frying, as it results in loss of nutritional value. Besides, it may also irritate the digestive tract as it becomes greasy and heavy to digest.
  • White rice with turmeric : If most foods become intolerable at the times of flare-ups, one can go for plain cooked white rice. For flavor, patients can add a dash of turmeric to the white rice. Turmeric powder is known to contain a compound called curcumin, which is helpful in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. A study has also shown that taking curcumin supplements along with medication could induce remission in people with ulcerative colitis.
  • Peanut butter : This is another great option to include in the diet for people with ulcerative colitis. While purchasing it, one must choose creamy peanut butter instead of the nutty version, as the pieces of nuts could make digestion more difficult during a flare-up. Peanut butter with bread or in a tortilla, along with some turkey, is a food to help soothe the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.