5 Foods That are Harmful for Dogs
A dog’s diet should be planned very carefully. Particularly, dogs can eat a wide range of human foods, and it can be easy to mistake some foods to be okay for dogs. There are, however, quite a lot of food substances in plain sight that dogs should not consume because of the immense toxicity that can affect them immediately. Having knowledge about which foods are dangerous for dogs is very important for pet owners. This can affect them whether at home or at a pet friendly oceanfront rental or pet friendly resorts. Some of the foods that should not be given to dogs and are dangerous for them are discussed herein.
Avocados are considered to be healthy when it comes to people. But they have a compound known as persin in them. This particular compound can result in causing diarrhea and vomiting in dogs. Make sure your dogs don’t consume avocados in any form. If the avocado is grown in the house, dogs should stay away from the plant entirely as the compound persin is present in the bark, leaves, and the seed along with the fruit. The avocado seed can also get stuck in the dog’s stomach or intestine and can result in serious problems.
Garlic and Onion
Onion and garlic in any form, whether dehydrated, raw, cooked, or powdered should be kept as far away from the dog as possible. These ingredients are capable of killing the red blood cells in the dog’s body and can cause anemia. If a lot of this is consumed all at once, it can also cause poisoning. If the dog has accidentally come in contact with the above, make sure to look for any signs of breathing problems, weakness, vomiting, etc.
Raisins and Grapes
While they may look like they can be fed to a dog, these foods can cause kidney failures in them and should be kept as far away from the dogs in the house as possible. A small number of raisins or grapes can very easily induce sickness in a dog. The first sign of their consumption would be repeated vomitings in the dog. Within a day, depression and sluggishness would also set in.
Macadamia Nuts
Any kind of foods with these macadamia nuts them should be strictly avoided from a dog’s diet. It takes only six of these nuts to make a dog fall sick. Once consumed, signs such as vomiting, weakness in back legs, muscle shakes, and high temperature could set in. Chocolates with these nuts are a more dangerous combination and can even lead to death.
Almost everyone knows that chocolate is really bad for dogs. The compound known as theobromine is the main substance that causes the problems. This compound is known to be present in all sorts of chocolates including white chocolate. The worst types of chocolate that can enter a dog’s diet are the unsweetened baking kind and dark chocolate. Ingesting chocolate can result in vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Heart problems, seizures, tremors can also be caused eventually leading to death. Hence, chocolate of every kind should be kept as far away from a dog’s diet as possible.