Driving Mistakes to Avoid during Winters
Winter is when driving becomes difficult due to snow and ice. Mistakes made while driving in winter can be very costly and can lead to accidents. The article lists out the winter car driving mistakes that you must avoid.
Driving too fast or too slow
One of the winter car driving mistakes is to drive too fast or too slow. Driving fast can be a big mistake as using brakes on roads with snow and ice can be difficult. The chances of accidents are high. Driving too slow is also dangerous as the vehicle coming behind you will find it difficult to gauge your speed and may crash into you.
Driving without fuel
Driving without full fuel is risky during winters. You never know when you may get stuck and run out of fuel. Ensure you always have a half tank at least before you set out to drive.
Not being prepared
Be prepared before winter starts. Ensure the car maintenance is done. If required, the tires need to be changed. Battery, working of wipers, and heater needs to be checked. All fluids like engine oil, brake oil need to be checked as well.
Not clearing snow from the car
Driving your car with snow and ice on it is dangerous. It is also not legal in some states. Clearing all the snow and ice is important before you start driving.
Panic during a car skid
Car skids during winters is a possibility. If it happens, you should not panic. When you panic and suddenly press the brake or accelerate, you can land in trouble. Take your foot off the accelerator and change directions; you should be able to adjust soon.
Using cruise control
Cruise control is a great feature that is convenient for drivers. However, this is dangerous in winter. Using cruise control can lead to sharp turns and skidding on snow-clad roads. It is better to switch off cruise control during winters.
A costly mistake to make while driving in winter is to tailgate. You need to be eight seconds away from the car in front of you to be safe. Driving too close can be risky as you never know when the other driver would suddenly apply brakes. Skidding on a wintry road when you are tailgating can be disastrous.
Driving without an emergency kit
When you are driving in winter, you need an emergency kit with you to be safe. This includes a first aid kit, an ice scraper, a snow shovel, emergency flares, jumper cables to restart a dead battery, an extra set of warm clothing and blankets, some healthy snacks in case you are stuck in your car for a long time, and a flashlight.
The car driving mistakes in winter, listed above, are those you need to avoid at any cost. Make sure you exercise care while driving in snow and ice to prevent any unforeseen accidents.